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Monthly Archives: May 2016

Rain, rain, go away….

HURRICANECome again another…WAIT! WHAT?!

The rain can be a relief from the Florida heat, but the potential for a hurricane is about to skyrocket. That is, Hurricane Season is right around the corner, starting June 1! As Floridians we know that hurricanes are nothing to discount. It is better to be overly prepared than stuck with no power, water, or safety plan. No worries, 2-1-1 is here to help! 

Click here to print your very own hurricane checklist!

Also, try to get your hurricane supplies in advance. We’ve all seen the empty shelves of where water jugs, batteries, and flashlights once were when there is word of a possible hurricane.

In addition to making sure you have enough supplies to endure a hurricane you also need to make sure your home is safe and your windows are secure from high winds and debris.

So, you now have all your supplies, your house is prepared, now what’s left? Make sure YOU ARE PREPARED by having a plan with your family in case of an emergency! FEMA provides a simple outline to help with making a family plan, here. They even have one for your wallet!

For up-to-date information on where to pick up sandbags, water, emergency shelters, evacuation plans, and the Marion County EOC just contact 2-1-1.  2-1-1 is available 24/7 via phone, text (simply text your zip code to 898-211), or live web chat with a specialist now!

School’s Out For The Summer!

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With school ending, and summer beginning it can be an amazing time filled with packed calendars, enjoying the time off. Children need access to nutritious meals all year-long to grow and thrive, but many children who rely on free and reduced-price school meals are at risk of hunger or poor nutrition when school is out for the summer. Something to add to those busy schedules and to keep those hard-earned dollars in your wallet is the Summer BreakSpot Program! Summer BreakSpot is a FREE program that offers NUTRITIOUS MEALS to anyone 18 or younger. Not only is this program FREE it is offered at many familiar locations in Marion County like schools, community centers, and faith-based organizations! Even better, there are no applications or documents needed!

Sites may offer breakfast, snacks, and/or lunch! Not only is the food free. It is also balanced and nutritious to help keep everyone healthy and energized to enjoy the summer.  What does that consist of you ask? Sites offering Summer Breakspot provide a, USDA guideline approved, balanced meal including: milk, veggies/fruits, grains, and protein. In addition to the free food provided by Summer BreakSpot, many participating locations also offer other activities for children. For more information on sites providing additional enrichment activities call the sites you are interested in.

Where can you find these oases in the desert of summer that is Florida?? You can find a participating location anytime (LITERALLY 24/7!) by dialing 2-1-1, texting your zip code to 898-211, or by chatting with us live. All sites provided will be offering the free meals, but we encourage you to call the sites ahead of time to let the site know your child/children will be coming.

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