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Tag Archives: Utilities

It’s Electric!

thermostatIt’s Summertime and that means higher electric bills.

10 Free/Cheap Ways to Save on Electric
(this list is compiled from various utility companies and conservation websites)

  1. Monitor. Many utility companies provide FREE energy and water usage monitoring so you can see what you are using each day. That can help you know when you are using more than you can afford, or if there is a leak. OUC uses MyUsage. Duke Energy has a few programs on their Save Energy & Money page.
  2. Audit. Most utility companies provide FREE home energy audits. They will come to your home and let you know information such as if your windows are leaking, if your wiring is wasting electricity, and which appliances are draining your wallet. If you are a renter, you may need permission from the landlord. You can also do an audit online. (more…)

Best of 2013

Here’s a look back at the top 6 resource posts of 2013!

diaperneed2Before You Reuse That Diaper: Did you know that 1 out of 3 families struggle to afford diapers for their children in the United States? Some families have had to resort to scraping out and reusing wet or soiled disposable diapers.



Image from www.parentingnow.org

Parents: Want someone to make you dinner, take care of your kids, and ease your stress for FREE? You’re in luck! There are a few agencies in Marion County who offer parenting classes to help take the stress out of parenting. The Early Learning Coalition’s Success By 6 “Active Parenting” program is a class for parents with children birth to six years old. “Topics include early literacy, behavior management, child health and safety, childhood development, sign language, car safety for your family, utilizing community resources, reducing parenting stress, and financial stability and budgeting.” All this is FREE! To see all agencies in Marion County who provide parenting classes, click here.


From http://www.marysrosaries.com/Q & A: Help With Funeral Expenses: “Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid.” -Langston Hughes

The loss of a loved one can be devastating… and can be devastating financially if you are bearing the burden of the cost on your own. We wanted to share some options for Marion County residents who are financially in need, to help ease the expense. We’re breaking the options down into: Lower Cost, Benefits, and Can’t Pay.


Prescription Bottle - blank label“My medicine costs $290 now that I lost my insurance.” Stories like this are sounding all too familiar here at 2-1-1. When work hours are cut by an employer to the point that an employee loses their health insurance, they can be left with very high medical expenses and not enough income to pay the costs. Until you are able to get insurance again, here are 5 ways to try to get those prescription costs down.


power_stripDo Your Utility Bills Make Your Jaw Drop? Part 1: Anytime is a great time to put in place some energy saving remedies to keep your bills from shooting through the roof(literally and figuratively) with cold and hot weather. 10+ Free/Cheap Ways to Save on Electric (this list is compiled from various utility companies and conservation websites)


leakfaucetDo Your Utility Bills Make Your Jaw Drop? Part 2: Part 2 in a 2 part series. Anytime is a great time to put in place some water saving remedies to keep your bills from drying up your bank account. 10 Free/Cheap Ways to Save on Water (this list is compiled from various utility companies and conservation websites)


Do Your Utility Bills Make Your Jaw Drop? Part 2

leakfaucetPart 2 in a 2 part series. Anytime is a great time to put in place some water saving remedies to keep your bills from drying up your bank account.

10 Free/Cheap Ways to Save on Water
(this list is compiled from various utility companies and conservation websites)

Take Me to the Water.

  1. Turn it off. Washing dishes by hand? Put soapy water in a bowl or sink basin to wash the dishes(wash the greasy ones last), and fill another basin with clean water to rinse.   Taking a shower? Turn the water off while you lather up. Brushing your teeth? Turn off the faucet while you brush.
  2. Fill it up. Does your toilet use more than 1.6 gallons per flush? Fill up a half gallon jug (you can use water, sand, anything heavy) or a brick and put it in the tank on the back of the toilet. It’s easiest to do it right after you flush the toilet. Make sure the object  is steady and won’t fall over – this might damage the flushing mechanism. Close the tank back up and you’re done. The toilet will use less water to flush.
  3. Thaw it out. Defrost your food overnight in the fridge instead of using running water. (more…)

Do Your Utility Bills Make Your Jaw Drop? Part 1

power_stripPart 1 in a 2 part series. Anytime is a great time to put in place some energy saving remedies to keep your bills from shooting through the roof(literally and figuratively) with cold and hot weather.

10+ Free/Cheap Ways to Save on Electric
(this list is compiled from various utility companies and conservation websites)

It’s Electric.

  1. Monitor. Many utility companies provide FREE energy and water usage monitoring so you can see what you are using each day. That can help you know when you are using more than you can afford, or if there is a leak.
  2. Audit. There are companies who provide FREE home energy audits. They will come to your home and let you know information such as if your windows are leaking, if your wiring is wasting electricity, and which appliances are draining your wallet. If you are a renter, you will likely need permission from the landlord. (more…)