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Tag Archives: Re-Entry

LIVE UNITED: Unemployed? Try Working for Free.

liveunitedIt may sound crazy, especially when you’re struggling financially, but volunteering can be a great way to find a job. You may not find a job with the company you are volunteering for, but through networking, outstanding performance and building up necessary skills, you’ll get a boost down the road to employment. Do you have an obstacle that’s consistently preventing you from being hired, such as: a gap in employment, former incarceration, or lack of recommendations? Volunteering gives you a chance to prove your merit, fill in that gap and if you do a great job… come away with a shining recommendation.  It also puts you back in the game, contributing your skills and supporting your community. This helps build your self esteem and that will come across as you go in for interviews. An additional option you may want to consider if you are facing any of the obstacles listed above is to get Federally Bonded.

The United Way has approximately 200 volunteer opportunities for Marion County listed through our Volunteer Resource Center. Starting with a quick search is a great first step. Did someone you know get a job through volunteering? Tell us about it in the comments.

Losing Hope

Studies have shown that (more…)

What’s new at 2-1-1?

WhatsNewIn May at 2-1-1 we added the following programs and agencies to our database for Marion County. Below each agency/program you’ll see “Ask 2-1-1”, these are the key terms you can use to look up the resources on your own via our online database, or when you call 2-1-1 you can mention those terms to the Information and Referral Specialist to get a list of resources for that service in your area. (more…)